Mathmatics Department
We aim to challenge each student so that individuals can achieve their full potential. We endeavour to heighten skills of accurate problem solving and numeracy.
For the best learning experience we keep our class sizes small and encourage questions to be asked whenever in doubt. Small classes mean students are able to get fully involved in the lesson. Teachers will tailor each class to the needs of his/her pupil’s abilities. Regular homework is set and revision classes are held as the exam period gets closer.
Mathematics is taught in primary, secondary and higher education. If mathematics is chosen to study at GCSE, the Edexcel syllabus will be followed. If chosen to study at A-Level either the Edexcel, AQA or OCR syllabus will be followed. At A-Level students may choose to study Pure Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Mechanics or Statistics which all follow the Edexcel, AQA or OCR syllabus.
Mathematics at AS and A-level builds on GCSE work. It involves the application of theoretical concepts to real life problems, simplifying and modelling them where appropriate in order to provide solutions. You will develop skills in reasoning, logic and proof and will understand when the use of technology in Mathematics is effective and appropriate. Questions will often be less structured than at GCSE and you will have to think through problems and decide on appropriate strategies and techniques.
Course Content
Maths is now a Linear A level and will only be examined at the end of year 13. The course contains Pure and Applied Maths
MATHS: The course is split into Pure Maths (two thirds of the course) and Applied Maths (the other third). In the applied section both Mechanics and Statistics will be studied.
FURTHER MATHS: If students wish to take Further Maths this is an extra A level and they MUST also take Maths A Level. Further Maths includes more advanced pure content as well as advanced Mechanics and Statistics. Students will also study Decision Maths.
What Can You progress To
Mathematics serves as a useful support for other courses as well as being a sought after qualification in the work place and in Higher Education.
Courses that require Mathematics at A-level, or are strongly related, include accountancy, engineering, psychology, economics, medicine, architecture, teaching, environmental studies, computing and IT.
How Will You Be Assessed
Papers 1 + 2 (2 hours each) covering the Pure content
Paper 3 – (2 hours) covering the Applied content
Further Maths
Papers 1 + 2 (1.5 hours each) covering the Pure content
Papers 3 + 4 – (1.5 hours each) covering the Applied content