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Extra Tutition

We offer extra tuition for ages 10+, years 7, 8, 9, GCSE, AS and A2 level students. Classes are held during weekday evenings and on Saturdays. Tuition classes can cover any area(s) you may be struggling with in any subject. Verbal and non-verbal reasoning practice is also tutored. You may book one-to-one tuition, group tuition of two pupils or group tuition of more than two pupils.

Additionally, we hold revision classes during Half term and The Easter holidays.

Please visit us or contact us via email or phone 02086885777 to book a place on any of these part time courses.

We run 11+, KS3, GCSE, AS and A2 classes every Saturday.

These classes; aim to cover areas in which you may be struggling, resolve any problematic areas you may have, strengthen your knowledge, build revision and exam techniques and enhance confidence and understanding of subjects.

Saturday Class Times

11+ 9AM - 10AM - Maths 11AM - 10AM - English


9AM - 10AM - Englsh 10AM - 11AM - Maths 12PM - 1PM - Science


9AM - 10AM - Physics 10AM - 11AM - Chemistry 11AM - 12PM - Maths 12PM - 1PM - Biology 1PM - 2PM - English

If there is a subject you would like tuition in that is not currently running please call 02086885777 and we will do what we can to assist you.If you would like to join any of our running classes please fill out our PART TIME APPLICATION FORM  and return to


Alternatively call on 02086885777 for more information.

Pricing Guide


10 classes for



20 classes for



30 classes for



50 classes for


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